Find out what is triggering an alarm

Autowatch Alarm Help


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

If you are getting false alarms with your Autowatch security system, follow the below guide to find out what triggered the alarm. (This information is for the 695 Alarm, however other Autowatch alarms may be the same)

STEP 1 - Enter Setup Mode

Starting with the alarm system disarmed,

Turn the ignition switch to the on position (Dash Lights on, engine off) and cycle the ignition off and on 5 times within 10 seconds finishing with the ignition switched ON.

keep an eye on the Alarm LED, it will go solid and then go off.

STEP 2 - Enter the features menu using 1,2,3

The codes are entered by switching the ignition off for X amount of LED Flashes, so for 1 you would switch the ignition off, allow the led to flash once then switch the ignition back on, then go to the next number. ((NOTE: 0 = 10 flashes))

so for the required code is: 1,2,3 the process is as below:

after entering setup mode (as above)

switch the ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 time (once),

ignition on,

ignition off,

(2) allow the led to flash 2 time,

ignition on,

ignition off,

(3) allow the led to flash 3 times,

ignition on, leave it on

STEP 3 - Enter Tigger Report mode

following on from above, enter 1,1

switch the ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 time (once),

ignition on,

switch the ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 time (once),

ignition on, leave it on, the code will then start to flash a sequence of flashes, count these flashes.

1 Flash : Movement Sensor (Ultrasonic)

2 Flashes : Wireless Sensor Zone (When allocated to its own zone)

3 Flashes : Panic

4 Flashes : Ignition

5 Flashes : Negative Door

6 Flashes : Positive Door

7 Flashes : Boot

8 Flashes : Bonnet

The trigger information is saved after the alarm goes off and stays in the alarm memory until the alarm has been turned on and off 10 times without triggering (siren going off).

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