Pairing a New Remote Fob

Autowatch Alarm Help


Last Update 4 jaar geleden

New Autowatch Wireless Remotes are available to purchase HERE

If you are adding new remote fob to your alarm, you will require the alarm pin code, the process does vary depending on the model of alarm, but the general process is as below.

Find the 5 Digit Alarm Pin Code, this is normally located on a small white sticker on the User Manual(bottom left of front cover) and on the Alarm ECU itself (Top of the ECU - Cable Entry side).

Enter the programming mode, This is done with the ignition switch.

STEP 1 - Enter Setup Mode

Starting with the alarm system disarmed,

Turn the ignition switch to the on position (Dash Lights on, engine off) and cycle the ignition off and on 5 times within 10 seconds finishing with the ignition switched ON.

keep an eye on the Alarm LED, it will go solid and then go off.

STEP 2 - Enter the Alarm PIN Code

The codes are entered by switching the ignition off for X amount of LED Flashes, so for 1 you would switch the ignition off, allow the led to flash once then switch the ignition back on, then go to the next number. ((NOTE: 0 = 10 flashes))

so for this example code : 51340 the process is as below:

after entering setup mode (as above)

switch the ignition off,

(5) allow the led to flash 5 times,

ignition on,

ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 time (once),

ignition on,

ignition off,

(3) allow the led to flash 3 times,

ignition on,

ignition off,

(4) allow the led to flash 4 times,

ignition on,

ignition off,

(0) allow the led to flash 10 times

ignition on - > the LED will normally flash a few times, proceed to next step

STEP 3 - Enter Keyfob Pairing Mode

following the same convention as the above, you need to enter the code number 1 then 1 again.


switch the ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 times,

ignition on,

ignition off,

(1) allow the led to flash 1 times,

ignition on - leave it on, the led will flash.

STEP 4 - Activate the remote

press a button on each fob to be added, the alarm will beep after each fob is pressed.

Once you are finished, switch the ignition off and remove the key.

You can now arm/disarm the Alarm with the new fob.


You can add up to 6 keyfobs to the alarm system, if you have paired 6 fobs and pair another, the first paired fob will be overwritten and stop working. If you want to be sure all of your fobs are paired, the best way to do this is to have them all on hand and press a button on each to re-pair them into the system at the same time.

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